Selling coaching with Direct Mail

By Susan Berkley
the most respected name in voice coaching

“Susan Berkely at And I mean, just look at this, this is so cool; Shredded-Money. What a great grabber for a boot-camp campaign.  Any place where you’re doing, you know what you’re teaching, you’re really selling money at a discount with information marketing, so nothing says it better than a bag of Shredded-Money.

And, here’s another campaign I can’t wait to try. One that you know, it’s a customer reactivation campaign, “We want you back.” I mean you got the Boomerang, you have the Compass, you have “I don’t want to bug you,” like for a salesperson trying to get their foot in the door. And then of course, you have Socks, you know, “Knock your socks off.”

So, how great is this, I mean, you know, the thing about being a marketer is you’re always having to come up with new ideas over and over again. I just know that with one of these in your funnel, it’s just another great direct-mail step in every funnel.”

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