New Design Million Dollar Bill in Full Color

From $0.2 Click for Full Pricing

As You Can See I Have Attached A Crisp New Million Dollar Bill To The Top Of This Letter. I Bet You’re Wondering Why...

Sample Headlines

This is a take on the famous “dollar bill” letter. The letter Gary Halbert says he never saw fail in a B-to-B mailing. My (Keith Lee) original dollar bill letter is in Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing. When we replaced the dollar bill with this million dollar bill, our ROI increased.  Simply staple the bill to the top of your letter and send in the mail!

Here is the first page of a sales letter that can be used with this item.

Dear Friend:

As you can see, I have attached a nice, new, crisp, Million Dollar Bill to the top of this letter.  Why have I done this?  Actually, there are two reasons:

1.    I have something very important to tell you, and I needed     some way to make sure this letter would catch your attention.

2.    And secondly, since what I have to tell you can save you a great deal of time and money, I thought using money, even though it's not real, as an "eye-catcher" was especially appropriate.

Here's why I am writing: In today's competitive retail market you can't afford to waste time or money... and when it's time to buy packaging, fixtures, and other supplies for

SKU: D31000ND
Minimum Order 2 Case(s)

Cases Total Pieces Price Per Piece Total
2 100 $0.36 $36
10 500 $0.31 $155
20 1000 $0.27 $270
40 2000 $0.22 $440
100 5000 $0.20 $1000

50 bills per case. 2 case minimum.