Here is the first page of a sales letter that can be used with this item.
Compass Sample letter
Dear [first name],
A few weeks ago we mailed you a FREE $20.00 American Retail Supply Gift Certificate because our records indicate it’s been too long since we’ve heard from you at American Retail Supply (formerly Thompson Merchandising & Supply). And, it even Doubles to $40.00 with your purchase of $200 or more, and Quadruples to $80 with your purchase of $500 or more)!...
Boomerang Sample letter
“We Really Want You Back!”
Dear [first name],
Our records indicate it’s been too long since we’ve heard from you at <<your company>>. That’s why I’ve sent you this FREE $20.00 <<your company>>Gift Certificate (It even Doubles to $40.00 with your purchase of $200 or more, and Quadruples to $80 with your purchase of $500 or more)!...
Worry doll Sample letter
"I’m Worried about you..."
Dear Tom,
Yes, I really am worried about you. Judy (our office manager) was checking on our past clients and she realized that it’s been too long since we’ve heard from you at My City Dental Care....