Here is the first page of a sales letter that can be used with this item.
Compass's sample letter:
Shall We Send Out the Search Party?
Dear [first name],
A few weeks ago we mailed you a FREE $20.00 American Retail Supply Gift Certificate because our records indicate it’s been too long since we’ve heard from you at American Retail Supply (formerly Thompson Merchandising & Supply). And, it even Doubles to $40.00 with your purchase of $200 or more, and Quadruples to $80 with your purchase of $500 or more)!
Message In Bottle's sample letter:
Dear [personalized],
I’m [your name] with [name of company] and about a XXX ago I sent you an offer in a bank deposit bag. But I never heard from you!...
Large Self Mailing Treasure Chest Sample letter:
“Ahoy, Matey, Unearth the Hidden Treasure in Yer Direct Mail Campaigns And Ye Won’t Even Need a Map or Hornswaggle any Landlubbers to Find This Here Treausre Chest"
Dear Direct Marketer,
Remember me? I’m the guy that had the 3D Mail Results Booth at the 2008 Glazer-Kennedy SuperConference in April. Remember?? The one who sent you that Treasure-Chest-Filling, 132-page “Definitive Guide to using 3D Mail and Premiums in Your Marketing Campaigns” a few weeks ago?? The guy in that awful bright gold shirt?!? Now I’m sure you remember me, how could you not!......